A Traditional Manager’s Guide for Modern Leadership Styles
There is no doubt that business organizations and educational institutions are now embracing the millennial evolution. Traditional leaders or those who were “schooled” from the top-down, military-like management style are beginning to understand that the needs, characteristics, and behaviors of the current and future workforce have changed significantly and therefore, they must adopt new leadership styles that would make them genuinely effective. That said, here are five modern leadership styles that every traditional manager must know.1. Innovative leadershipThis is the frontrunner in modern leadership styles that immensely surpassed the traditional, top-down, linear approach by thinking “outside of the box” and finding more than a thousand ways to achieve the organisation’s goals. Innovative leadership can be seen as the exact opposite of the conventional management style that was stuck in the idea that a once-proven-and-tested solution can lead to a one-size-fits-all formula when in...