How To Own Your Next Project

Nowadays, Agile has a tremendous potential advantage over businesses, it's important not to get lost in some of the hype that exists about Agile management style. One must also need to take more time to understand what problem Agile can potentially solve and how it will benefit your business.Agile can pose challenges for many companies and project managers. Many organizations have an existing management system or a project management approach that is based on a traditional, plan-driven method or what is sometimes called the “Waterfall model”. Once the Project managers are in, they revolve around different choices like whether to continue with the traditional approach which has an emphasis on managing costs and schedules or move with the Agile management approach which can offer many benefits including faster time-to-market and higher business value. However, both have their risks associated with either losing control of projects or less focus on managing costs and schedules.The major problem is that many companies see the agile management approach as a better option, while they make mistakes of attempting to force-fit their projects and business to either one of these extremes. It’s like attempting to plug an appliance requiring AC power into a DC outlet. ...

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