
Showing posts from May, 2019

Accelerating the Power of AI with Neural Networks

AI System Kinship Relationships And Their Ramifications: The Case of Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider If you look at history there is a lot of credence to the power and attraction of kinship.  For those of you that have been Game of Thrones fans, kinship was certainly a front-and-center theme throughout the entire series, though admittedly a fictional portrayal, but I dare say we might all agree that history showcases the same phenomena. If you are a history buff, you likely know that the famous Heidelberg manuscript from the 13 th century indicated that kin-blood is not spoiled by water. In more modern times, we’ve come to express this as the now-classic saying that blood is thicker than water. Whichever way you might prefer to state it, the underlying notion is that bloodline family and familial relationships are considered a very strong bond. Indeed, some would assert that the familial bonds are stronger than any other kind of friendship or relationship that you might ever formulate. Family and bloodline prevails over anything else, in th

Air Force Partners with MIT to Accelerate AI in 10 Project Areas

A new program that will strive to make “fundamental advances” in artificial intelligence is coming from the Air Force and MIT, the two organizations announced on May 20. The “MIT-Air Force AI Accelerator” will support at least 10 MIT research projects in areas like disaster relief, medical readiness, data management, maintenance and logistics, vehicle safety and cyber resiliency. Project teams will be made up of MIT faculty, staff and students, as well as members of the Air Force. The Air Force plans to invest around $15 million per year in the collaboration. “MIT is the leading institution for AI research, education, and application, making this a huge opportunity for the Air Force as we deepen and expand our scientific and technical enterprise,” Heather Wilson, secretary of the Air Force, said in a statement. “Drawing from one of the best of American research universities is vital.” “This collaboration is very much in line with MIT’s core value of service to the nation,” Maria Zu

A Chief AI Officer on Explainable AI: Addressing Trust, Utility, Liability

How Deep Learning is Incrementally Changing Your Life

By AI Trends Staff Over the past four years, readers have doubtlessly noticed quantum leaps in the quality of a wide range of everyday technologies.  The speech recognition functions on our smartphone work much better than they used to. We are increasingly interacting with our computers by talking to them, whether it’s with Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana or the many voice-responsive features of Google. Chinese search giant Baidu reports customers have tripled their use of speech interfaces in the past 18 months. Image recognition has advanced. Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Baidu all have features that allow searches and automatic organizing of collections of photos with no identifying tags. You can ask to be shown, say, all the ones that have dogs in them, or snow, or even something fairly abstract like hugs. Medical startups claim they’ll soon be able to use computers to read X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans more rapidly and accurately than radiologists, enabling

Why the Government of Tomorrow is Also a Data Organisation

Nowadays, every organisation is a data organisation. This not only applies to commercial organisations, but also to governments. Governments at every level – local, regional, national and supranational – should take a different approach to organise their activities. However, becoming a data organisation is not an easy feat. It requires governments to rethink all their processes and all citizen touchpoints. Even though governments do not have such fierce competition as organisations do, they too have to adopt technologies such as predictive analytics, blockchain and AI to improve their services. As part of my new book – The Organisation of Tomorrow – I have developed a model that can help organisations become a data organisation. The D2 + A2 Model helps organisations to datafy their processes, distribute their data via the cloud or using distributed ledger technologies, analyse their data using descriptive or predictive analytics to sense and seize opportunities and automate their d

Build Your Intelligent Enterprise through a Data Fabric

The future offers interesting and exciting times ahead for most businesses. With data being a big influencer in the enterprise of the future, it is a matter of time before we jump into the era of intelligent enterprises. Intelligent enterprises are going to be organizations that offer exemplary customer experience and have an efficient operations procedure. The ability to give clients what they want throughout their experience with an organization is what separates an intelligent enterprise apart from the others. With competition between organizations expected to increase with the passage of time, an intelligent enterprise would be a need of the hour. Organizations would want to work efficiently in production and to deliver the most to customers across their experience. Ronald van Loon recently had the opportunity to attend SAP Sapphire and speak to some of the most renowned Chief Data Officers (CDO) from across the globe. As part of this venture, both SAP and Ronald van Loon got

6 Important Steps to Building a Successful Factory of the Future

What is the factory of the future? Is it a synonym to Industry 4.0, or is it a different concept in its own right? Industry 4.0 and the factory of the future might sound similar, but they are different in some ways. To begin with, the factory of the future is an elusive concept that isn’t as common as Industry 4.0. The factory of the future is meant to be your gateway to the future of AI and IoT. Through exploring my interest in the topic and as an Oracle ambassador, I had the opportunity to speak to Hans Michael Krause from Bosch Rexroth about the future of IoT systems. Michael, who is the Director of Product Management PLC and IoT systems, is an industry expert and knows quite a bit about the subject. Talking to me Michael said that, ‘the factory of the future has elements of Industry 4.0, but it is integrally different from it. The factory of the future also talks about distributing your energy via inductive factory floor. It involves 5G connectivity and is much more than the bl

Is 2019 The Year Finance Discovers Blockchain?

The contemporary market is inundated with new stories about blockchain on a daily basis, but few analysts who are keeping an eye on this technology have been paying enough attention to how much the financial sector is beginning to embrace this exciting innovation. It’s increasingly becoming clear that 2018 could very well be the year that finance discovers blockchain in a meaningful way for the first time, which could usher in a new era for this burgeoning digital technology. Here’s why financial institutions and the finance sector are gradually beginning to warm up to blockchain, and what that means for this technology going forward. Blockchain is now the cool kid on the block Blockchain was once a business anathema which those in the financial sector shunned to the greatest extent possible, largely because they didn’t trust its promising potential. Things have changed quite a bit over the past few years, however, and blockchain is now the cool kid on the block, vacuuming up dro

How Real-Time Analytics Solve Performance Issues Across Multiple Industries

Real-time data analytics is still a relatively new concept, but it is changing the logistics of countless businesses across the world. One poll showed that 60% of companies use real-time data analytics for better customer service. However, there are many other applications of real-time analytics. Data analytics experts must familiarize themselves with the technical aspects of this new field of data science, so they can utilize its full potential. Decisionmakers must consider the applications of real-time analytics to get the most value out of it. The principles of real-time analytics Science Soft has a detailed overview of the technology behind real-time data analytics. The tutorial points out that data analytics tools like Citrix monitoring software have the capacity to both push and pull data from their servers. Real-time analytics applications must continually pull data and have algorithms that are capable of processing it quickly. There are two ways that data can be pulled

How AI Came to the Rescue of Scientists Studying the Sun

By Andy Thurai, Emerging Technology Strategist, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure In 2014, NASA lost a crucial instrument housed on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite that measured extreme UV rays coming from the sun. With repair costs ranging from the millions to billions of dollars, a team from NASA Frontier Development Lab and IBM turned to artificial intelligence and historic data to see if a well-trained model could fill the data void. I was very intrigued when I heard about this project from my good friends at NASA FDL and IBM recently. What if artificial intelligence can decipher more than images of dogs, cats, and stop signs? What could we learn from looking at images of the sun? Sunshine is Good for the Soul The sun is considered the life creator in mythological, mystical and scientific worlds. While there may be other similar solar systems with a star providing as much value as the sun does to us, the impact of the sun in our solar system is immeasurable. Any cha

No Speed Limit Autobahn and AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider The joys of driving on the German autobahn! Nearly two-thirds of the 8,100 miles of the autobahn system allow unrestricted speeds. This means that there is no speed limit. Go as fast as your heart desires. Go as fast are your car can go. Go as fast as your fears will let you proceed. I mention the fears part of this driving experience because there are some drivers that frankly are not so keen on driving at super high speeds and they either fear the consequences or at times have panic attacks about it. I lived in Germany for a year and personally morphed through several mental and emotional states about the autobahn. At first, I was quite excited about being able to drive at blazing speeds. Having come from the United States for my yearlong visit to Germany, I was well acquainted with the fact that mighty speeds were pretty much verboten in my home country. Sure, I had occasionally had a lead foot as I drove from Southern California to the Las