Is 2019 The Year Finance Discovers Blockchain?

The contemporary market is inundated with new stories about blockchain on a daily basis, but few analysts who are keeping an eye on this technology have been paying enough attention to how much the financial sector is beginning to embrace this exciting innovation. It’s increasingly becoming clear that 2018 could very well be the year that finance discovers blockchain in a meaningful way for the first time, which could usher in a new era for this burgeoning digital technology.

Here’s why financial institutions and the finance sector are gradually beginning to warm up to blockchain, and what that means for this technology going forward.

Blockchain is now the cool kid on the block

Blockchain was once a business anathema which those in the financial sector shunned to the greatest extent possible, largely because they didn’t trust its promising potential. Things have changed quite a bit over the past few years, however, and blockchain is now the cool kid on the block, vacuuming up droves of media attention while businesses and savvy individuals pour millions into its development. Such a change has there been to blockchain’s reputation that major banks and financial institutions are beginning to adopt it into their operations and future plans.

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