How Real-Time Analytics Solve Performance Issues Across Multiple Industries

Real-time data analytics is still a relatively new concept, but it is changing the logistics of countless businesses across the world. One poll showed that 60% of companies use real-time data analytics for better customer service. However, there are many other applications of real-time analytics.

Data analytics experts must familiarize themselves with the technical aspects of this new field of data science, so they can utilize its full potential. Decisionmakers must consider the applications of real-time analytics to get the most value out of it.

The principles of real-time analytics

Science Soft has a detailed overview of the technology behind real-time data analytics. The tutorial points out that data analytics tools like Citrix monitoring software have the capacity to both push and pull data from their servers. Real-time analytics applications must continually pull data and have algorithms that are capable of processing it quickly.

There are two ways that data can be pulled from the database in real-time. The ideal approach is to stream data because it will be displayed with virtually no time lag. Unfortunately, data streaming is not always feasible. Scalability is usually a significant limitation because there is a bottleneck as data volume increases. Therefore, streaming is typically only a practical ...

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