Top 5 leading women in AI

In recent years, the explosive growth in artificial intelligence has led to exceptional demand for professionals in this field. Nonetheless, the unfortunate factuality remains that a very small percentage of such professionals belong to the female section of society. The reason is that they are significantly underrated. This is even though women in this field have been at the forefront playing a vital role working on AI as a driver of business value and growth. And research conducted by Alan Turing Institute suggests that more females are needed in this field to address the algorithmic gender bias that appears due to the lack of female input. Here, we have put together our list of the top five influential women in artificial intelligence.Dr. Fei-Fei LiShe is among the top female AI influencers who are well-respected and prominent members of this community. She is a co-director and an inaugural Professor at Stanford’s AI institute. Her main areas of research are:Deep learningMachine learningCognitive and computational neuroscienceComputer visionAmbient Intelligence systems for healthcareTop achievementDr. Li is the inventor of ImageNet Challenge and ImageNet, which is a vital large-scale benchmarking effort and a dataset that has contributed to the latest development of AI and deep learning. ...

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