The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in the Fashion and Clothing Industry

Fashion has always been at the forefront of innovation. Fashion, like technology, is cyclical and forward-thinking. Any cutting-edge technology that generates advanced tools for the fashion industry, whether to improve production or consumption, is referred to as fashion technology.Designers, producers, merchants, and customers might all benefit from the technology, depending on its role. We may anticipate fashion technology to become more widespread as new technologies become accessible.According to Tractica, the global AI software industry would produce USD 118.6 billion in sales by 2025. Another Juniper Research estimate, worldwide retail investment in artificial intelligence is predicted to reach $7.3 billion per year by 2022.Your business is already behind if you aren't leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to connect with your clients. This article examines the state of artificial intelligence in online fashion retail, contrasting organizations that employ it with others that don't.Applications of Artificial Intelligence Ranging From Inventory Planning to Personalisation.Through automation, the breadth of AI applications increases to the actual garment production process. Despite the fact that using robots to handle fabric is difficult, a number of firms are working in this area. Grabit, situated in the United States, uses a combination of static electricity, machine learning, and automation to assemble ...

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