Polish senator says prosecutors dragging feet over phone hacking

WARSAW (Reuters) - A Polish opposition senator who believes his phone was hacked using sophisticated spyware developed by the Israel-based NSO Group has accused prosecutors of failing to act on the case, viewing it as a "hot potato" to be passed between offices.
The Associated Press (AP) reported this month that researchers at the University of Toronto had found that senator Krzysztof Brejza was hacked in 2019 using Pegasus software, during an election in which he was running the campaign of the largest opposition party.
AP also reported that the Citizen Lab project at the University of Toronto found Ewa Wrzosek, a prosecutor critical of the government's judicial reforms, and Roman Giertych, a lawyer who has represented opposition figures, had had their phones hacked.
All three say that Poland's ruling nationalists Law and Justice (PiS) party was responsible for the hacking.

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