Blockchain as a Solution for Healthcare Industry in the Covid-19 Era

In order to understand the interest of blockchain technology in the healthcare sector, it is important to understand the characteristics that differentiate it from current tools for sharing and managing data. First of all, blockchain is a decentralised technology. Unlike traditional tools which are centrally managed by a single intermediary, the blockchain is a database distributed among all the nodes of the network. Thus, each minor has a copy of the register. This technology thus lends itself to the sharing of information between several stakeholders such as hospitals, research centres or pharmaceutical laboratories. The blockchain also makes it possible to trace the origin and fate of each of the data recorded. Unlike a centralised system in which an administrator controls this information, in a blockchain only the owner can save it and transfer it to other stakeholders. In addition, although the ledger created by the blockchain is made available to all members of the network, the data it contains is encrypted, which helps to ensure the confidentiality and security of sensitive dataHealth ApplicationsMedical Data ManagementNowadays, it is difficult to clearly visualise all the data related to a patient and accumulated during their care journey. This information usually comes from a ...

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