Jack Dorsey chases crypto, fintech dream post Twitter

By Krystal Hu and Sheila Dang
(Reuters) - At a packed Miami conference in June, Jack Dorsey, mused in front of thousands of attendees about where his real passion lay: "If I weren't at Square or Twitter, I'd be working on bitcoin."
On Monday, Dorsey made good on one part of that, announcing he would leave Twitter for the second time, handing the CEO position to a 10-year veteran at the firm. The 45-year-old entrepreneur, who is often described as an enigma with varied interests from meditation to yoga to fashion design, plans to pursue his passion which include focusing on running Square Inc and doing more philanthropic work, according to a source familiar with his plan.
Well before the surprise news, Dorsey had laid the groundwork for his next chapter, seeding both companies with crypto-related projects.

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