AI-driven Sentiment Analysis in Customer Service: Use Cases, Benefits, Expert Tips

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou, American poet and activistIf this quote is accurate, then understanding customers’ sentiment is essential for business success. If a company fails to make a good impression, clients will leave. With research showing that gaining a new customer is six to seven times more expensive than keeping an existing one, understanding people’s sentiment seems like a “cheaper” path to success. Are you interested in AI-powered sentiment analysis but not sure how to proceed? Do you doubt whether to opt for a ready-made solution or turn to AI software consultants to develop a custom tool? Hopefully, this article will resolve your doubts. If not, get in touch. We will be happy to help.Introduction to AI sentiment analysisWhat is sentiment analysis?Sentiment analysis (or opinion mining) is the process of identifying emotions expressed in words using artificial intelligence and its subtypes. It follows a predetermined metric to understand how positive, neutral, or negative a piece of text sounds. AI can analyze millions of comments posted on social media, review sites, and online surveys. It can even obtain data from videos. Sentiment ...

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