Video chat BlueJeans aims to bring virtual watercooler talk to remote workers

By Paresh Dave
(Reuters) - Companies are struggling to recreate the serendipity of office interactions as many teams continue to work remotely due to the pandemic, but they could soon have a new option to try close the gap.
Verizon Communications Inc's video chat app BlueJeans announced on Monday that it will begin testing a feature called Spaces, or virtual rooms where people as 3D cartoonish avatars can hang out, overhear conversations and join them.
Rivals, including Zoom Video Communications Inc and Microsoft Corp, also have been developing features to foster spontaneous conversation in their chat tools. But BlueJeans' planned offering, which also is available in a 2D version with headshots replacing avatars, is among the most advanced.
Verizon said it developed from the ground-up a new graphics rendering ...

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