Huawei CFO, U.S. reach agreement to resolve bank fraud charges

By Karen Freifeld and Kenneth Li
(Reuters) -Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou has reached an agreement with U.S. prosecutors to end the bank fraud case against her, according to sources familiar with the matter, in a process that should allow her to leave Canada and relieve a point of tension between economic super powers China and the United States.
The U.S. government said it will appear in Brooklyn federal court to discuss a resolution of charges against Meng, according to a Friday court filing.
Meng was arrested at Vancouver International Airport in December 2018 on a U.S. warrant, and was indicted on bank and wire fraud charges for allegedly misleading HSBC about the telecommunications equipment giant's business dealings in Iran, a story reported first by Reuters in 2012.
Reuters also ...

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