How Intelligent Marketers Use AI

Few technological innovations have delivered as many welcomed improvements to the marketplace as artificial intelligence has. AI is now a well-recognized facet of countless marketing operations, and it’s also being put to use in countless other industries in order to streamline the industrial process or make sense of huge sums of data. Marketing gurus may nevertheless feel somewhat overwhelmed by the topic of AI, largely because they may lack the technical expertise needed to understand exactly how it works. Nevertheless, intelligent marketers can learn how to leverage AI without becoming dedicated IT specialists.Here’s a review of how intelligent marketers are already using AI to bolster their performances, and how you can go about joining them. AI produces more effective marketingThere’s no denying that artificial intelligence produces more effective marketing than ever before, yet many brands have hesitated to embrace this innovation because they fear that it will be too costly to immerse themselves into a technological world that’s largely alien to them. AI is powered by a unique combination of machine learning algorithms and huge sums of information, but you don’t need to have a computer science degree to employ it for marketing purposes. By reviewing some examples of how ...

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