How Can Leaders Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace

When managing or leading a team, the mental wellbeing of the team ought to be a forefronted priority in order to encourage productivity. Most employees spend the majority of their day actioning tasks to do with their career so making their space as psychologically safe as possible is your responsibility as a leader. The pandemic has been a catalyst for a different style of working and may have been the source of much anxiety as people are mainly working from home. The uncertainty of the current situation or potentially another transitional period for your business means that the mental wellbeing of your staff is more important than ever. What is psychological safety?Psychological safety is the notion that new ideas and concerns expressed in the workplace will be met with humiliation and punishment, which in turn will lead to the downfall of wellbeing for an employee. Creating a space that is safe to make mistakes and upskill in a healthy manner, will not only result in a better performing team but will reduce the contribution that work can play on a person’s mental health. With hybrid working and working from home now being a prominent way of operating, establishing an ...

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