Analysis-Huawei CFO's admissions won't help U.S. in its case against the company -legal experts

By Karen Freifeld
(Reuters) - The admission by Huawei's chief financial officer that she misled a bank about the company's business dealings in Iran likely won't help the United States as it continues to prosecute Huawei for the same charges.
While Meng Wanzhou's admissions last week go to the heart of the financial fraud charges, legal experts say it will be difficult and perhaps impossible for prosecutors to use them against Huawei Technologies Co Ltd at trial.
And if the government were to try to use her admissions as leverage in any negotiations aimed at avoiding a trial, experts said, Huawei would likely say what she admitted was the result of extortion, or even a fabrication.
A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Brooklyn declined to comment, as ...

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