Air-Gapping - The Better Way to Backup Your Data

In today's world, IT equipment is typically expected to be connected to the internet. This has made it easier for employees to work remotely and get their jobs done from anywhere in the world, but it also opens up a huge security risk. The problem with connecting devices to an open network like the internet is that there are always people trying to break into your system and steal data or take control of your device. This can be prevented by air-gapping - which means creating two networks (one unconnected) - one for users who need access on the public web, and one for sensitive data that needs protection against unauthorized access. Air-gapping prevents hackers from accessing your information because they cannot physically reach you through this second network.What is air-gapping?Air-gapping refers to the practice of keeping certain information on a different network, away from prying eyes. The air gap (or physical separation) between these two networks keeps data safe from hackers, ransomware attacks, and cybercriminals who might otherwise break through your system's security measures. This will help keep critical business data confidential, allowing you to do what you need without worrying about any leakage or breaches that could cause ...

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