How To Protect the Healthcare Industry From Cyberattacks

Cybercriminals characteristically prefer planning and orchestrating attacks that will cause the most disruption to the targets and associated parties. That’s why it’s no surprise that the healthcare industry is consistently among the sectors most at risk for problems.Here are some actionable strategies to improve healthcare cybersecurity. Even people who don’t work directly in the sector will find these tips useful, especially since better cyberdefense strengthens the medical system for everyone who may need to call on it, now or in the future.Look at Data to Determine Cybersecurity ShortcomingsData enthusiasts know that examining trends within information can be an excellent way to uncover insights that people may otherwise miss. That reality also applies to people who want to prevent cyberattacks in the medical sector.For example, historical data might show that most of an organization’s cybersecurity blunders over the past five years happened due to mistakes made by external service providers. If so, that suggests a need to vet vendors more thoroughly before working with them.Alternatively, the data might reveal that it took an average of seven days for cybersecurity teams to uncover all issues spotted over the past two years. In that case, a valid strategy may be to explore technologies ...

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