Can Lawyers Be Replaced By Artificial Intelligence?

It was inevitable, and in the back of our minds, we knew there were some jobs robots would come and take over as technology advanced at lightning speed over the years. But there are others we never even considered, that is until now. For some time now, most professionals have been worried about how new technology will implicate and impact their professional working lives, putting jobs on the line and livelihoods.We have seen the adoption of robots replace humans in factories at scale and streamline work, making processes more efficient, removing humans and human error altogether. For example, Amazon's warehouses today have over 200,000 robots, all working in unison with one another. However, less manual laboured jobs seemed untouchable thanks to their complexity, that is, of course, until now, thanks to technologies like Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality.

(Image Source: Bloomberg Law)Like many other professions, lawyers are beginning to fear the possibility of automation thanks to AI, leading to considerable job losses in the sector. Technological advancements have rendered jobs, and in some cases, it has made humans obsolete. But before we consider how it could ...

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