The Rise of Digitalism: The Digital Speaker series EP09

Hello netizens! Welcome to the Tech Journal. My name is Mark van Rijmenam, and I am The Digital Speaker.  In these journals, I project my digital twin into cyberspace, bringing you the latest and greatest of the digital world from inside the digital world.

I cover all the latest digital news, from algorithms and crypto through to GPT-3 and neural networks.

Today, I am going to discuss the end of Liberalism and how Digitalism will replace it as the world’s first, true global political doctrine. Together, we will delve into and explore the positive aspects and the negative aspects of an economy run on data. Taking a closer look at some potential futures that are awaiting us depending on which direction we choose to go.

Sit back, relax, and let us start speaking digital.

You can either view the episode below or view it on Vimeo, YouTube or listen to it on, Soundcloud or Spotify. 

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”

Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”, and he was right.

Throughout history, we see example after example of governments around the world using crises to introduce new emergency laws, laws which always seem to outlast the crisis.

And this crisis is ...

Read More on Datafloq


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