What Can and Should be Automated in Software Development?

Writing efficient, error-free, and cost-effective software that meets client requirements is hard. One of the most effective ways of achieving these goals is by understanding and embracing automation in the software development process. Automation helps streamline development by reducing developer workload and providing a standardized structure to your development processes. There are a lot of exciting opportunities and competing ideas about precisely what and how automation should be used in the software development process.

Why Automate Software Development

A lot of what defines software development practices today is ultimately about speed. CI/CD, agile, AI, and DevOps are all slightly buzz-wordy terms, but they all relate to software development methodologies that emphasize creating and deploying code quickly. Modern software development life cycles (SDLC) are short as teams compete to deliver and refine their product in a crowded marketplace.

It’s no surprise then that teams looking to shorten their SDLC and time-to-market on new features are looking to software automation to help save time, cut costs and improve efficiency. A lot of aspects of software development are highly repetitive and time-consuming, so it makes sense that these areas are some of the most popular candidates for automation.

Pain Points of Software Development

Teams working together to develop ...

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