Google, U.S. government tangle over pre-trial document production

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawyers for Alphabet's Google and the government tangled on Tuesday over how many documents related to the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against the search and advertising giant should be turned over, and how fast.
In a status conference before Judge Amit Mehta of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the Justice Department's Kenneth Dintzer said Google had balked at delivering some older documents, dating to the early 2000s. He also said that third parties, which could include Microsoft and Apple, had delayed responding to government subpoenas until they got a subpoena from Google - which slowed that process down.
"Broadly speaking, it's going slowly," he said.
For Google's part, John Schmidtlein, who argued for the company, said they would send some subpoenas to third parties this week and next.

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