Exclusive: Facebook freezes Venezuela president Maduro's page over COVID-19 misinformation

By Brian Ellsworth
CARACAS (Reuters) - Facebook has frozen Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's page for violating policies against spreading misinformation about COVID-19 by promoting a remedy he claims, without evidence, can cure the disease, a company spokesman said on Saturday.
Maduro in January described Carvativir, an oral solution derived from thyme, as a "miracle" medication that neutralizes the coronavirus with no side effects, a claim doctors say is not backed by science.
Facebook has taken down a video in which Maduro promotes the medication because it violates a policy against false claims "that something can guarantee prevention from getting COVID-19 or can guarantee recovery from COVID-19."
"We follow guidance from the WHO (World Health Organization) that says there is currently no medication to cure the virus," the spokesman told Reuters. ...

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