Quick response: How to touch customers in contactless commerce

By Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan
NEW YORK (Reuters)pan - In an era of social distancing, businesses must be snappy in responding to customers or fall behind, a lesson Jeff Sloan, chief executive of Global Payments, quickly learned.
"You've got to be more responsive and more flexible than before" or come across as not caring, said Sloan, whose company processes payments for companies in over 100 countries.
Contactless payment transactions grew by 34% in 2020, with the seismic shift speeding up as much as five years because of the pandemic, he estimated.
"Consumer habits are hard to change in payment," said Sloan, whose Atlanta-based company has almost 24,000 employees worldwide. "It took a long time for ATMs and debit cards to take off but once they did, it stuck."

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