Chip sales rose 6.5% globally in 2020 after year-end rush

By Stephen Nellis
(Reuters) - Global semiconductor sales rose 6.5% overall in 2020, as a recovery during the last three months of the year helped offset a sharp dropoff in March and April, when pandemic stay-home orders rolled out around the world.
Global sales were $439 billion in 2020, according to data from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), a trade group that represents most U.S. chipmakers along with many international firms. The group said sales from U.S. chipmakers were about $208 billion, or about 47% of the total.
Chip sales into the United States were $94.15 billion, up 19.8% from the previous year.
Falan Yinug, SIA's director of industry statistics and economic policy, said much of the rise in U.S. purchasing was driven by high-end memory chips used in ...

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