China says Brazil president's son hurts relationship with comments critical of Huawei

BRASILIA/RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - China's embassy in Brazil on Tuesday said a son of President Jair Bolsonaro had harmed relations between the two countries with critical comments about telecommunications equipment firm Huawei.
The rift was the latest chapter in a battle between China and the United States over U.S. claims that China's Huawei Technologies Co Ltd is a security threat. The United States imposed trade restrictions on Huawei in September.
Huawei has repeatedly denied being a security risk.
Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president's son, has made statements that "darken the friendly atmosphere between the two countries and hurt the image of Brazil," the Chinese embassy wrote on Twitter.
Brazil's right-wing government in early November joined the U.S.-led Clean Network, a digital alliance among more than 30 countries and big telecom ...

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