Be Digitally-ready in the post-pandemic world with the Digital Workplace Solution

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, pandemics, etc., are show stoppers to seamless business activity, state office transactions, and schooling. However, the show must go on as even one day of stopping the business activity results in unsurmountable loss. The Digital Workplace solution is the way forward in the future. It offers a future-proof solution such that you are socially distant yet connected to your globally scattered team. Here, business transactions can be seamlessly continued in spite of disasters and business disruptions.What is the Digital Workplace Solution?Digital Workplace Solution is your office that can be accessed from any remote location. It is mainly powered by cloud-based Enterprise Content Management (ECM) commercially off the shelf products. It also makes use of allied technologies, such as configurable workflows, business rules, intelligent data processing, robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning (ML).The aforesaid technologies intermingle to offer a seamless anywhere office experience. It is built on a secure enterprise framework. It is more of a paperless digital office. Here all the paper assets that are normally encountered in any business setting are digitized, approved through different hierarchies, indexed, and digitally stored in the ECM at the backend. The digitized assets can ...

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