Brands Use Predictive Analytics to Bolster Online Engagement

Artificial intelligence has propelled online commerce into a new era. Website administrators and marketers are finding highly creative ways to leverage AI to improve functionality and enhance the user experience. Predictive analytics is one of the most important developments that has arisen from advances in artificial intelligence technology. Brands can find ways to use predictive analytics to anticipate the needs of their users. This will improve engagement, lead to greater customer satisfaction and ultimately drive greater conversions. What is the real value of predictive analytics in online UX? UX optimization is a crucial aspect of digital marketing. Brands need to keep customers satisfied and engaged before they can get them to make a purchase. There are a variety of ways that predictive analytics can help them achieve this goal. One of the easiest ideas is to use predictive analytics to create content templates, such as HubSpot email templates. However, there are even more advanced predictive analytics strategies that can prove useful. Some of them are listed below. Removing extraneous options Customers often face an overwhelming number of options. This is especially true online, since companies often try to present them with every possible offer that might be relevant. This can ...

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