What is the Future of Online Payments?

Electronic bill presentment and payment have made ecommerce faster, easier and more secure for both the seller and the buyer. The millennial population is looking for a redefined online payment solution. There are different companies offering electronic bill presentment and payment solutions. Every company wants to develop a payment solution for the future and be the first to enter the market with its solution. If you have been receiving online payments for the past couple of years, you already know that e commerce does not stand still. You and other online sellers are always in search of a payment solution that delivers better customer experience. Payment processing companies and electronic bill presentment and payment solution providers work relentlessly to provide solutions that are beneficial for both the online seller and buyer. They explore the scope of online payment to identify the trends that can change the future of electronic payments. Mobile Wallets The percentage of users using mobile wallets is expected to be 64% by the end of 2020. More than 23% of online buyers are willing to abandon mobile banking apps for mobile wallets. Wallet payments are expected to reach $503 billion by 2020. This highlights mobile ...

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