How to Fix Your Data Quality Problem

Data quality is top of mind for every data professional — and for good reason. Bad data costs companies valuable time, resources, and most of all, revenue. So why are so many of us struggling with trusting our data? Isn’t there a better way?

The data landscape is constantly evolving, creating new opportunities for richer insights at every turn. Data sources old and new mingle in the same data lakes and warehouses, and there are vendors to serve your every need, from helping you build better data catalogs to generating mouthwatering visualizations (leave it to the NYT to make mortgages look sexy).

Not surprisingly, one of the most common questions customers ask me is “what data tools do you recommend?”

More data means more insight into your business. At the same time, more data introduces a heightened risk of errors and uncertainty. It’s no wonder data leaders are scrambling to purchase solutions and build teams that both empower smarter decision making and manage data’s inherent complexities.

But I think it’s worth asking ourselves a slightly different question. Instead, consider: “what is required for our organization to make the best use of — and trust — our data?”

Data quality does not always solve for bad data

It’s a scary prospect to make decisions ...

Read More on Datafloq


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