Does Ethical use of AI is the only way forward!

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the technology that is used to make intelligent machines. AI is used specifically for intelligent computing solutions. Artificial Intelligence is all about making the tools to mimic human intelligence. With the help of the AI-based tools, the users can perform similar activities as that of humans. The AI-based programs are meant to mimic human intelligence. Although, artificial intelligence is not only limited to mimicking human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is not restricted to biologically observable techniques. Instead, the experts keep evolving AI to make newer and more useful AI-based tools and programs. Though the use of AI is increasing day by day, only the ethical use of AI will turn out to be beneficial for the world. Superb benefits of artificial intelligence Artificial Intelligence empowers computers to mimic human intelligence. The AI-based tools are made using machine learning, deep learning, logic, decision trees, etc. Artificial Intelligence tools are used across the globe. AI is not only being used by the corporates but, it is also used in various industries and domains, like the field of medicines, astronomy, etc. The technology has the potential to transform the way the world works, it will turn out to be ...

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