Accessible Design: A Complete Guide for 2020

Accessible web design has slowly come to the forefront for businesses—but doing it right is still proving to be a challenge.Users representing myriad communities have been vocal about the lack of accessibility while accessing online resources and this is finally leading to change.No matter what business sphere one exists in, being able to reach more users by incorporating accessible design is good business practice.Not everyone accesses the online world in the same ways. Users with impairments—cognitive, hearing, motor, speaking, and visual—interact with sites differently.We share a complete guide to adopting accessible design practices in 2020.Simplifying Design

SourceSimplicity in design isn’t just important for accessibility—it also leans into the graphic design trend of minimalism that is taking over in 2020.The clearer the visual layout, the better the user experience—this is because it creates a definitive hierarchy of elements on the page.To create a simple and accessible design, one should group similar elements, depending on how they relate to each other in terms of size and color.Elements that follow one another should be placed in distinct hierarchies so users can easily understand how one section leads to another.The website design should ...

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