6 Skills to Become a Master Data Scientist

Data science has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. According to Research & Markets, nearly 90% of business professionals say data and analytics will be a key part of their digital transformation, so it’s not surprising that there is a constant demand for data science professionals across the industry. Not to mention, the good paycheck, promising growth, and consistently challenges at work make data science career extremely fulfilling. However, what’s challenging, is becoming a data scientist. A data scientist needs an extensive set of skills. Below are the skills that you need to get started in data science. Mathematics StatisticsProgrammingMachine Learning and
Advanced Machine Learning (Deep Learning)Data VisualizationBig DataData IngestionData MungingTool BoxData-Driven Problem
SolvingLet’s delve into each skill one by one. 1. Mathematics A common assumption among aspirants is if you’re not good at maths, you will not be a good data scientist. Mathematics is a crucial part of data science, but it’s not the only skill to master. Strong skills mathematics builds a strong foundation for data science. The major concepts you need to learn are: Matrices and Linear Algebra FunctionsHash ...

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