How AI Visual Inspection Systems Help Fight COVID-19

With the advent and spread of the novel Coronavirus, businesses around the world pitched in to save the World. Amazon and Microsoft created partnerships with governments and nonprofit organizations in launching a relief fund to deal with the pandemic. Facebook made the announcement that it will be supporting the CDC Foundation with matching donations of $10 million as the CDC Foundation prepares to launch a fundraising effort to fight COVID-19 in the United States. However, it’s worth focusing on Chinese tech leaders Alibaba and Baidu, who paired with scientists from Wuhan to tackle an alternate solution to the problem. They leveraged recent innovations in the AI technology to fight COVID-19, and here are the details.As the scope of the Coronavirus grew larger and larger, it became common for airports to screen for the virus. Health officials used visual examinations and thermometer guns to inspect people for any signs of COVID-19.Before long, Alibaba had created a visual inspection system using AI. This system is capable of 96 percent accuracy in using a chest CT scan to detect COVID-19. Using 5,000 COVID-19 cases as the sample group, a deep learning model trained itself and became the decision-making component of this system. In ...

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