Dont Acquire a Company Until You Evaluate its Data Quality

Mergers & acquisitions happen when companies believe they are more valuable together than when operating separately. The companies join workforces, systems, infrastructure, and data to become a new, more powerful, more valuable, more effective entity. That is only until they realized they overlooked or underestimated the key issues with data, IT infrastructure & integration plans. In fact, most merger and acquisition plans fail miserably because of data integration challenges.Save yourself the devastating cost of a failed merger. Do not acquire a company until you evaluate its data infrastructure and adherence to quality.Why the Emphasis on Data Quality? As of 2019, the value of global M&A deals stands at 3.9tr USD. Ironically, another report concludes that up to 90% of mergers fail to meet their goals.While there are many factors to this failure (with most of it being subjective to a company’s culture, budget, infrastructure etc), we’ve seen the lack of data due diligence as the most common reason of migration failure.The problem with data quality isn’t new. However, as the world moves towards harnessing big data to make important decisions, it’s imperative for companies to understand the risks of neglecting data quality. Most companies focus on data quality as a ...

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