Blockchain’s Disruptive Potential In An AV-reliant Post-Covid World

As we continue to adapt to the social distancing measures brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves relying on audiovisual (AV) technology more than ever before in an effort to maintain relationships, keep up with learning and work commitments, and in a bid to support the museum and entertainment industries. With the likelihood of Covid-19-induced closures in place for the remainder of the year, museums, concert venues and other places of public interest have turned to AV technologies in a bid to ensure their survival and longevity in a post-Covid world. Visitors can now check out some of the world’s most celebrated exhibits virtually - from the Tate Modern, to the Louvre, to the British Museum of London - and Smartify, the “Shazam for art” app, has even said it would make its museums’ audio tours free for a remainder of the year, offering virtual visitors the chance to admire more than two million artworks from across 120 museums and galleries. Using AV technology people can now also go on virtual adventures - to Mars, Hawaii, inside of the world’s best national parks, even tour the Great Wall of China. Churches are also joining the virtual ...

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