Blockchain Technology in Translation Processes

Even though most of us have heard about blockchain technology in the past and may even share expert knowledge in the field, not many know about its use in the translation processes. Since the mechanism in question deals with more than cryptocurrencies in their varied form, it has found its use in the major industries where a high degree of accountability, control, and automation is required. It would be enough to say that dealing with the complex blocks that contain particular records is a primary goal of cryptography, yet its practical use in translation services remains a fairly new practice.Why Use Blockchain Technology in Translation Processes? The translation industry uses the blockchain concept exactly for the same reasons as it is used in the major business fields like banking or HR management. The key is to create an efficient environment where encrypted information circulates among the employees without a central management system per se. In practice, it works with the addition of specific metadata to the blockchain that contains encrypted information about translators, customers, challenges, the pricing scheme, or the schedules. As some will remember from their cryptocurrency experience, there is a public key that will be provided. Once available, ...

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