Why Tech Needs A Brand Strategy

In the tech industry, not many businesses consider their brand strategy too profoundly. This failing means that instead of standing out in an already saturated field, they just form part of the background. A brand strategy focuses on promoting the company's image to the consumer. As The Balance SMB notes, a brand is an item or characteristic that marks a particular business as unique. A brand doesn't necessarily have to be as recognizable as Dermani Medspa, for example, but it helps to connect to clients when they are. Tech companies need a brand strategy because they're trying to connect their userbase to their product. They're trying to leverage their core audience's loyalty to market their services. Doing so requires breaking down the elements of the brand's image.Getting the Value Proposition RightOne of the things that marketing students learn early on is how important branding is for a company's success. Information Week notes a concept known as functional branding, whereby a tech company uses every opportunity afforded to them to build customer loyalty. Branding is more than just a fancy logo, and a catchy motto (although these too form part of the strategy). Functional branding offers a value promise to the ...

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