How Big Data Is Impacting Healthcare

Big Data has filled an essential role in healthcare. It's immediately apparent applications as a means of storing and recalling patient medical history pales in comparison to what else that data can be used for. Big Data, from an enterprise perspective, deals with the collection of multiple streams of information from various sources. These data packets are collected and processed (usually in real-time) to offer insights based on that data. However, patient medical data is confidential, or at least it should be. As The Guardian informs us, the total collected worth of the British NHS's client data is in the billions. It raises the questions as to whether utilizing Big Data is more of a curse than a blessing.Who Has Your Data?Big Data is a double-edged sword for the healthcare industry. Not only is patient data a sensitive issue, but recent leaks in other sectors have raised doubts in the safety of user data overall. According to Forbes, in July 2019, the British Parliament agreed with Amazon to hand over NHS healthcare information to make searching for symptoms easier on non-specialists. This caused a massive uproar, as users had no say in what happened with their personal data. While it's ...

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