The Problem of Misinformation, Bad Bots and Online Trolls, Especially during the Coronavirus Crisis

In 2020, the internet has turned out to have become a different place than it was originally intended. We can safely say that the web is under siege. One of the world’s greatest inventions is fundamentally broken.

A relevant example of this is the famous saying “On the internet, nobody knows if you are a dog”. The consequence of it is that as a result of this openness, anonymity and lack of accountability is that we now live in a world where fake (news) is the new normal, trolls and bad bots control the internet, and online accountability is non-existent. As a result, online trust is degrading and in a society where trust is gone, anarchy could follow.

Misinformation Spreads Like a Virus

On the internet, misinformation, bots and trolls are dominating the online (political) discourse. Any major event, whether global or local, will see misinformation popping up. The recent Coronavirus epidemic saw a flood of misinformation spread over the internet like the virus itself. Corona misinformation is dangerous, it can actually kill people, so we should be careful before we share an article or message on WhatsApp. For a while, BuzzFeed kept a list of some of the Coronavirus hoaxes that were ...

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