How Edge Computing Can Transform Your Marketing

Few industries have been as beset by tumultuous change as the marketing sector, and that’s not about to change anytime soon. Marketing companies are constantly pivoting to whichever innovation will give them a leg up over the competition, and a slew of recent developments indicates that most of these companies will be making another big change sooner rather than later. That’s because edge computing has gone from enjoying only fringe interest to becoming one of the most active parts of the modern tech marketplace.Here’s how edge computing can transform your marketing, why digital marketing experts are embracing it so readily, and how it will fundamentally change the marketing industry as we know it. How edge computing worksWhat is edge computing, anyway? Luckily, edge computing is simple enough for most people to understand it without needing a degree in computer science as a basic prerequisite. While traditional computation is slowed down by the distance between users and the various sources of information they’re trying to access, edge computing aims to speed up computation by bridging the gap between users and the data they need. One of the biggest problems facing SEO companies, like local search engine services, right now is an ...

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