AI Proves to Be a Tremendous Disruptive Technology for Fintech

Fintech is the newest development of the financial industry. It is the integration of technology in finance. Many factors have played a crucial role in the evolution of fintech, but artificial intelligence is arguably the most significant. How is AI Transforming the
Fintech Industry?There’s no doubt that technological breakthroughs have played a key role in the growth of the Fintech market over the course of the last decade. One of the segments of the financial industry that has been most heavily impacted is the forex market. Technology has helped to create a global behemoth that now sees more than $5 trillion traded every single day.While technological innovation in the marketplace has taken several different forms during this time, there’s little doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) has had the biggest impact of late. In the banking sector alone, artificial intelligence is projected to save $7.3 billion by 2023. But how exactly has this advanced technology and machine learning continued to drive change in the fintech market, and what does the future hold for the currency investors of tomorrow?1. Learning from Previous
Transactions and Using Predictive AlgorithmsMachine learning and predictive analytics are providing a lot of value to financial companies by studying previous transactions. ...

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