Data Lineage - How the History of Your Data can Influence the Future of Your Business

Almost every single industry has been revolutionized to at least some degree by data processing. Whether you manage a local restaurant or a massive distributorship, there's a good chance that you've recently made several decisions based on the availability of data that you previously lacked.Fewer people are paying attention to where their data is coming from, however. In fact, business owners who rely on databases are likely to accept everything they read as the truth. Unfortunately, they don't realize that there are certain coding tolerances involved with collecting information on any digital device.In some cases, an insecure system can actually suffer from bogus information as well. That makes data lineage extremely important to ensure that you are getting the most accurate numbers possible.Implementing a Data Lineage PlanQuite a few people are probably asking the question "what is Data Lineage" because, at the moment, few organizations are investing much into this field. That's quite a shame considering how much promise it shows for those who need to check the quality of the numbers they're getting.Data lineage is essentially the life cycle that every piece of digital information you collect goes through. This includes where the data comes from, how it got ...

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