ScyllaDB Trends – How Users Deploy The Real-Time Big Data Database

ScyllaDB is an open-source distributed NoSQL data store, reimplemented from the popular Apache Cassandra database. Released just four years ago in 2015, Scylla has averaged over 220% year-over-year growth in popularity according to DB-Engines. We’ve heard a lot about this rising database from the DBA community and our users, and decided to become a sponsor for this years Scylla Summit to learn more about the deployment trends from its users. In this ScyllaDB Trends Report, we break down ScyllaDB cloud vs. on-premise deployments, most popular cloud providers, SQL and NoSQL databases used with ScyllaDB, most time-consuming management tasks, and why you should use ScyllaDB vs. Cassandra.

ScyllaDB vs. Cassandra
ScyllaDB Cloud vs. ScyllaDB On-Premises
Most Popular Cloud Providers for ScyllaDB
Databases Most Commonly Used with ScyllaDB
Most Time-Consuming ScyllaDB Management Tasks

ScyllaDB vs. Cassandra – Which Is Better?

Wondering which wide-column store to use for your deployments? While Cassandra is still the most popular, ScyllaDB is gaining fast as the 7th most popular wide column store according to DB-Engines. So what are some of the reasons why users would pick ScyllaDB vs. Cassandra?

ScyllaDB offers significantly lower latency which allows you to process a high volume of data with minimal delay. In fact, according to ScyllaDB’s performance benchmark report, their ...

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