How to Gain Real Business Value from the Internet of Events

Most companies today rely heavily on analytics, and those that can effectively understand massive amounts of data can stay on top of their industry. In just a few years, our society shifted from “analog” to “digital.” Now, it is necessary to collect information on almost anything to get much-needed value for a business. Among all this data, probably the most important is event information or what we’ve come to know as the “Internet of Events” (IoE).

What Is IoE?

IoE refers to all available event data. For example, in a warehouse setting, it can refer to events that occur inside a conveyor belt or an automated vehicle. It can also refer to happenings inside a transportation system. That includes checking in to a flight or buying a ticket. Essentially, these events can be machine or life events or both.

IoE is a combination of:

Internet of Things (IoT): This refers to all tangible objects that can connect to a network. It includes devices that can be specifically identified in a network like Near-Field Communication (NFC)- or Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-enabled gadgets. Examples of these are smartphones and any RFID tags such as those that restaurants use to tell you your order is ready. It ...

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