Are Advertisers Using Your Streaming Data Ethically?
Modern consumers face a conundrum. How can they balance the benefits of technology with the risks of their sensitive data falling into the wrong hands?
We are now in the era of information. Data is raising the interest of business leaders – and the concern of citizens.
Every minute, over 70,000 transactions and nearly 4 million Google searches take place. Meanwhile, massive data security debacles – such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal – have left many consumers worried about the safety of their sensitive information.
The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back
The 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal shined a revealing and unsettling light on the lax data security practices of major corporations. News of the data breach first emerged through the combined investigative journalism of the New York Times, the Guardian and the London Observer in May and April of that year.
The investigations revealed that a researcher purchased the private information of Facebook users from Cambridge Analytica. At the time, the professor claimed he was using the information for an academic study. However, journalists later revealed that this was anything but the case. Instead, the information was used to manipulate the ongoing presidential election in the United States.
Astoundingly, only 305,000 people consented to the ...
Read More on Datafloq
We are now in the era of information. Data is raising the interest of business leaders – and the concern of citizens.
Every minute, over 70,000 transactions and nearly 4 million Google searches take place. Meanwhile, massive data security debacles – such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal – have left many consumers worried about the safety of their sensitive information.
The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back
The 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal shined a revealing and unsettling light on the lax data security practices of major corporations. News of the data breach first emerged through the combined investigative journalism of the New York Times, the Guardian and the London Observer in May and April of that year.
The investigations revealed that a researcher purchased the private information of Facebook users from Cambridge Analytica. At the time, the professor claimed he was using the information for an academic study. However, journalists later revealed that this was anything but the case. Instead, the information was used to manipulate the ongoing presidential election in the United States.
Astoundingly, only 305,000 people consented to the ...
Read More on Datafloq
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