3 Reasons Your “Little” Data is a Big Deal

Big data is no longer some nascent trend riding a cycle of media hype.

It’s here to stay, and it’s transforming how businesses make decisions, build products, and engage customers. In fact, the ability to distill mountains of data into actionable insights has become a sustainable competitive advantage, separating the “Netflixes” from the “Blockbusters” in every industry.

But you knew that, right? Most industries are well-acquainted with big data’s disruptive power. What’s news to most is the fact we’ve neglected big data’s brother, “little data.”

In so doing, we’ve diluted the value big data offers our businesses. Fundamentally, big data isn’t about the amount of data captured. It’s not even about the new types of data you can collect. It’s about turning transaction-level information – which represents the most accurate observations of what’s really happening “on the ground” – into business insights to support decision making.

In this way, little data is the key to unlocking big data’s true potential. Granular data can be aggregated, shaped, and molded to answer any business question, and to reveal what’s truly driving your results.

Now, you might be wondering, if big data is really about little data, why don’t we talk about it in these terms? Why don’t we associate “big data” with its ...

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