How to Make AR, VR, and MR a Part of Your Digital Workplace

AR, VR, and MR have evolved greatly from sci-fi gadgets, gamer gimmicks, and entertainment devices, even surviving the Pokémon GO craze to be finally recognized as technologies bound to revolutionize the workplace. Currently, Ford, Boeing, Airbus, Coca Cola, Siemens, and hundreds of global companies outside the consumer entertainment industry are busy testing and implementing AR and VR gear in every field of their operational processes, from manufacturing to customer engagement. 

Other large and mid-sized enterprises are expected to follow suit in the next five years. According to the IDC report, the five-year CAGR for AR and VR technologies will reach 78.3% by 2023. The largest investment share (80% by 2022) will come from the commercial sector companies, which are expected to allocate a lesser but still significant portion of funds to digital workplace transformation. 

To meet the burgeoning need for AR, VR and MR technologies an impressive number of advanced hardware has hit the market. Oculus Quest, Samsung Odyssey+ and HTC Vive VR headsets, together with Google Glass and Microsoft HoloLens AR smart glasses, are now acknowledged as top immersive technology devices. 

The selection of AR, VR and MR software is not as robust and mostly geared toward game development. However, certain business ...

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