5G Will Require Us to Reimagine Cybersecurity

We are on the precipice of 5G, or fifth-generation wireless adoption. Many consider its development to be a technological race, one that countless organizations and countries are working to achieve.

President Donald Trump explained this movement best: “The race to 5G is on, and America must win.”

It doesn’t matter what country or region you’re from, just about everyone is focused on developing and upgrading wireless technologies to boost its capabilities. 5G is considered a revolutionary upgrade to mobile connectivity and wireless networks. It will push the entire technology field to new heights, affecting every industry, from manufacturing and retail to health care and finance.

To understand why it’s going to be so impactful, one must consider what it offers. It’s also crucial to determine the cybersecurity and IT risks presented by these more robust networks.

What 5G Networks Will Bring to the Table

Nearly everyone is already familiar with wireless networks, particularly those that support mobile devices and smartphones. 3G networks, or the third-generation, were mainly responsible for boosting the popularity of mobile connectivity — alongside some of the most renowned handsets like the original iPhone.

4G took the technology to new levels, offering an increase in signal strength and quality, alongside bandwidth improvements. 4G ...

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