How Predictive Analytics is Helping Organizations to Increase Sales

Predictive analytics is a process that involves passing historical data through statistical algorithms to identify the likelihood of future events. The technology has been around for decades now, with various statistical models in use as early as the 80s to predict the stock market.

Only recently, however, have the powers that be come together and made an undeniably strong case for wider adoption of the once unstable technology.

What is Driving Predictive Analytics in Sales?

Growing volumes of data, in part due to more ways to collect them, faster computers for a fraction of the price and cloud computing have all come together to create the perfect environment for predictive analytics.

Even as new technology such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and in-memory computing continue to take root, the impact on the internet economy is expected to be massive. In particular, the latter of these (in-memory computing) has spearheaded the availability of real-time data, greatly increasing the speed with which analytics can be utilized.

In-memory computing is basically the processing of large volumes of data in system memory rather than relying on disk-based processing such as transactional databases. The most impactful implication of this is the resulting speed and performance boost it can achieve.

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